Our History
Albert R. (Scottie) Scott started his rink business in Carthage, IL in 1936 in an upstairs hall. He ran the rink there for two years. In the spring of 1939, Scottie built a semi-portable rink, 50’ x 100’ with wood rafters, metal roof and canvas sidewalls. He ran the rink in Hamilton during the spring and summer.
In the fall of 1939, Scottie moved the rink to Quincy and opened in October. The rink was open thru the winter. The summer of 1940 he moved the rink to Pittsfield, IL and was there until January 1941.
January 1941 moved back to Quincy to the North 12th St. location. At this time he added 10 ft. of floor space.
Albert’s brother, John F. Scott ran the rink in Carthage before going to the service. After returning from the service, he bought a portable tent, 50’ x 100’ and opened in the summer of 1946 in Hamilton and moved the rink to Macomb in 1947. Then he built a new rink in Carthage, which is now run by his daughter, Bonnie Bensinger.
Put plastic on floor, Scotties rink was 3rd rink in Illinois to have curb crest floor
Scottie put an additional 50’ x 60’ to the back end.
A snack bar was built separately from the rink. Scottie ran the rink at this location until 1979
The new rink was constructed on east Broadway. The property also housed Quincy Raceways. Albert sold the businesses to Bob in 1996. Bob and his wife Jan ran both the rink and the racetrack.
The rink saw an expansion of 5000 ft to house the 6 birthday rooms and expand the snack bar and seating capacity. A new concrete parking lot was also finished.
Quincy Raceways was sold in order to focus more time to the skating rink.
Scotties saw major interior facelift operations including refinishing of the interior walls, skating surface and new special effect lighting
In late 2010 the transformation into Scotties Fun Spot was made. Laser Tag, Bumper cars, Ballocity, mini-bowling. a Huge arcade room with nearly 75 games. A much-improved menu was brought in as Winner’s Grill was born.
Scotties wins Best Family Entertainment Facility in the country with Roller skating as the major anchor.
Scotties expands to bring Fun Spot Speedway into the mix. A fleet of 20 electric powered go-karts and the area’s biggest track. Scotties now boasts over 2 acres of Fun.
Scotties wins best TV commercial from the Roller skating association.
Scotties Expanded the Outdoor facility to include a 19 hole Mini-Golf Course. The course features 19 holes of fun and even interactive challenges for the whole family. The course is ADA accessible.
Scotties adds Beat Saber and other new games. Beat Saber is a stand alone Virtual Reality game that is sure to get your heart rate excited.
Scotties adds new 9 hole Pirates Treasure Cosmic Golf. PLUS a completely re-imagined Laser Tag arena. 20 new Zone laser tag vests, with bases and a game control center for power up.

Scotties Fun Spot named best Family Fun Destination in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

See The Facility
Rules to be enforced at Scotties
Effective 1/22/21-No one under the age of 16 is permitted into this facility after 5pm
without a parent/legal guardian
present or a parent permission slip on file.
- No bare midriffs – appropriate school dress required.
- No muscle shirts. Shoulders must be covered. No Baggy pants. Hood on hoodies must be down.
- No bandanna’s or attire that could be considered gang or club related
- No book bags or backpacks.
- No chewing gum.
- Only cake or cupcakes may be brought in no other food or drink.
- No borrowing money from other patrons.
- No “In/Out” privileges.
- No loitering.
- Parents are allowed to walk on the floor to help a small child around the floor.
- We do not recommend that small children be carried while on skates.
- On Friday/ Saturday nights kids skating must keep their skates on.
- Foul Language will not be tolerated, you may be asked to leave.
Ball-O-City play area rules
Kids running and playing rough asked may be asked to sit out.
Socks are required.
Parents may play for $2 and get a $2 game card for FREE
Wristband must be worn at all times.
No food or drink allowed in the unit.
In That the mission of Scotties Fun Spot requires a safe and secure environment, any act, remark or statement by a patron either verbal nonverbal or written, which could in any way be interpreted as a threat to the safety of any person shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including removal from the premises. This includes all such acts, comments, statements or remarks. Lack of intent (e.g., “it was a joke”) shall not be a defense to disciplinary action.
Each patron is expected to present an appearance that does not disrupt the overall environment or interfere with the positive family environment. ONE’S BODY (EXCLUDING ARMS) MUST BE COVERED FROM SHOULDERS TO MID THIGH. Dress and/or grooming that are not in agreement with reasonable standards of health, safety, and decency will be considered inappropriate. Examples: Halters, tops (which show any midriff skin), tank tops, strapless dresses/tops with spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, and undershirts are considered inappropriate.
Transparent blouses or sweaters cut extremely low in front; back or sides without adequate under cover are inappropriate. Shirts and shorts must be appropriate, i.e. not too short or too tight. Jeans that show underwear or buttocks are not appropriate. Shoes must be worn.
Hoodies or baseball caps worn backwards, or other head coverings are not to be worn in the building.
Shirts, pins, etc. which are suggestive or which depict obscenities or hate messages are also inappropriate. Clothing or buttons advertising or displaying alcohol or drugs are considered inappropriate and may not be worn. T-shirts or any items with inappropriate messages or inappropriate signs that are disruptive are not appropriate.
Accessories that present a potential safety factor for the wearer or others or that could damage fixtures or property are not acceptable. Examples of these are chains attached to wallets, spiked necklaces, spiked bracelets, boots with cleats, shoes with wheels.
Cell phone usage while on the skating floor is not recommended.
These rules are subject to change at any time. Scotties Fun Spot has the right to enforce any other rules they deem necessary.